Herba Life Rennovation & Upgarde

Herba Life‘s headquarters in Torrance have undergone a major upgrade on their central cooling system. The existing central system, located within the complex’s mechanical penthouses, has been replaced in its entirety.  The existing Evaporators Fluid Coolers on the rooftops of the headquarters have been replaced with more efficient and powerful units. The upgrade includes total replacement of the existing central supply fan with two new high-capacity fan-walls.

NIC Consultants provided the required structural services for the project. The work included the design of new reinforced concrete piers, new/modified housekeeping pads, new framing members, robust code-compliance anchorage for evaporators, wall fans, pumps, stand posts, pipe hangers, switchboards, control boards, and other peripheral systems. The mechanical design of the renovation was worked on by McParlane & Associates.