
Gelenneyre Evaluation & Seismic Upgrade

Laguna Beach, California

Glenneyre parking is built in 60’s and serves the stores and boutiques along the PCH. It provides about 200 metered parking stalls in two levels. The structure is situated in a slopped terrane. It is structurally comprised of CIP reinforced concrete walls and column with Post-Tensioned slab.

The recent seismic evaluation based on 3D analytical model and FEMA-356 has indicated severe torsional irregularities under probable ground shaking. In order to improve and regulate the seismic performance of the structure, a new CIP shear wall was added on the south side. The wall is supported by 80-ft long new CIDH piles. Also utilized in the upgrade was application of RFP jacking over the existing concrete columns to enhance the ductility of these columns under lateral movement. Mr. Eimani, the managing principal of NIC Consultants, was the SEoR for BFL on this project.